Wednesday 1 September 2010

Muhammara sauce

Muhammara- sauce


• 4 large onions, finely chopped

• 1 cup of walnuts, pounded

• ¾ cup oil

• 2 tbl spoon powdered hot red pepper

• 2 tbl pine seeds, browned

• 1 cup of breadcrumbs blended in a little water to form a puree

• Salt and pepper

• Cumin to taste


Sauté the onions until they are browned in the oil. Add the walnuts, the peppers and the puree of breadcrumbs and season to taste. Continue to sauté the mixture on low heat until the ingredients are well blended. Remove it from the fire and top it with the pine seeds. Serve on toast hot or cold.

Makes a good sauce on the side for plain toast or kibbeh.

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